How to Lose Your Muffin Top Fast With a 3-Step Action Plan

1. Use the Mother Earth Rule!
If your food doesn't originate from a mom or the earth, don't eat it! I don't know about you, but I have never seen a potato chip tree! Consuming processed foods creates havoc with hormones, which control your metabolism. Your body does not know what to do with foreign substances and chemicals. They "junk up" your filtering systems like the liver and kidneys in the body. We can help these systems by eating a whole foods lifestyle and aiming for a ratio of 80% plant-based and 20% animal based foods. You can also help detox those systems, ramp up your weight loss and energy levels by drinking a green smoothie several mornings a week for breakfast.
Try this basic green smoothie recipe:
Fill up a family size blender with
2-3 C Water
Fill the rest of the blender with fresh spinach greens
Blend until smooth, then add
2 T of flax seed
1-2 T of Stevia
Fill the rest of the blender with frozen fruit of your preference
Blend and drink!
2. Add an ab workout 3 days/week to strengthen, tone and tighten abdominal and core muscles! Contrary to popular infomercials, you will not get rid of that muffin top by doing a gazillion crunches. HIIT workouts will provide you with fat loss and resistance-based exercises will accelerate the results.
Try these exercises - planks, stability ball crunches, standing pike crunches
3. Workout for intensity not time with High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)!
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is one the most effective workouts to give you the results you want in the shortest amount of time. HIIT routines are composed of short intervals of high intensity followed by short intervals of rest. This means you are doing short bursts usually one-minute or less of high intensity followed by less or an equal period of rest.
Select a HIIT routine that will help you shed weight and tone up overall. HIIT is not for everyone and we recommend this type of workout 3 times/week. Receive a physician's approval before participating in this type of workout. HIIT should be challenging, if you're breathing heavy, sweating, and have muscle burn, then you are working out hard enough. Make sure to warm-up 3-5 minutes prior to the workout and cool-down with light walking and stretching for 5 minutes post workout.
So, are you ready to work hard? We know you can do hard things because you already have many times throughout your life. Have you ever given birth, raised kids, been married, gone to school, or started a new job? Then you can handle intense!
Start now and implement the 3 steps above to get rid of that muffin top once and for all!
Try one of our 4-minute fitness routines, which include both resistance and cardio-based exercises. You heard right, a workout that takes only 4-minutes! Enter your name and email on for a 4-minute workout video guaranteed to make you sweat!

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