5 And 2 Diet

Since August 2012, when the BBC broadcast a documentary about the 5 and 2 diet, it has become a popular choice for many people wanting to lose weight, including lots of A-list celebrities. Philip Schofield has been one of the most recent celebrities to achieve successful weight loss on the 5 and 2 diet.

Intermittent fasting (IF) is the key principle to this weight management programme. For five days of the week you can eat normally, and on the remaining two days you fast. It has been claimed that dieting in this way can not only help you to lose weight but it also has many other health benefits, including:

• Improving the brain
• Protecting against Alzheimer's disease and dementia
• Reducing the risk of diabetes
• Reducing the risk of heart disease
• Reducing the risk of cancer

Although it is called intermittent fasting, this does not mean that you have to stop eating altogether on the specified two days, you just need to reduce the amount of food that you consume. During the two days of fasting, it is recommended that women consume 500 calories while men should consume 600. Because TFR, VLCD and RCD products are very low in calories yet full of nutrients, they are ideal to use on the 5 and 2 diet. All of their products are clearly labelled, which makes it much easier when counting your calories, saving you a lot of time. They are also very easy to prepare with minimum effort involved, so you don't need to start thinking about what to cook and spending hours slaving over a hot stove.

So why has this new diet got everyone into such a frenzy?
One of the reasons that many people like the idea of the 5 and 2 diet is because for the five days that you don't fast, there is no set diet plan, so you can eat what you like (within reason!). Surprisingly, lots of people that have previously tried this particular diet found that they didn't feel the urge to binge on fatty and sugary foods. You can also choose which two days a week you spend fasting, just as long as they aren't in succession of each other.

There is a wide range of delicious weight management products to choose from, including weight loss breakfasts and soups, low calorie meals, puddings and hot drinks, and total food replacement shakes and meal bars, which are all suitable for a 5 and 2 diet.

To find out more about weight management and weight loss products, visit eontu.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sue_Talbot

Still Don't Know What Not to Eat When Trying to Lose Weight? Run From These Four Foods!

Finding the right blend of what to and what not to eat when trying to lose weight is like finding a way out of a maze - it doesn't come with a direct answer.

A host of food manufacturers label their foods as healthy for dieters. But after careful analysis, it has been found that the opposite is often the case.

In your quest to achieve permanent weight loss,it is important to learn ways to differentiate between diet-friendly foods and what not to eat when trying to lose weight as this is the beginning of healthy weight loss in the long run.

In that light, common foods termed as healthy but fall under what not to eat when trying to lose weight are...
1) Energy And Sports Drinks: Sometimes, it is seen as common sense to end each workout with a bottle of sports drink. Sports drinks are portrayed to replace lost electrolytes - sodium and magnesium - after each workout.

Except you're a professional athlete that burns extraordinary calories during each workout (which you are not), sports and energy drinks are under what not to eat when trying to lose weight. They are not only packed with sugar but also have lots of calories.
Instead, rehydrate yourself with plenty of water and get your minerals and vitamins from vegetables and

2) Low-Fat Cookies: You've heard a countless times why you need low-fat cookies to lose weight because - just like the name suggests - they are low in fat.

But wait for this: they are loaded with sugar to make up for the low-fat.

Here is the drill: once you consume these low-fat, sugar-laden diets, your blood sugar level rises and initiates the release of insulin. This in turn tells the body to convert the excess sugar to fat.

The implication of this is that your body continues to store fat, even if - to you - you're consuming low-fat cookies. The high sugar content that have makes them what not to eat when trying to lose weight.

Also, because it is termed low-fat, the probability to overindulge is very much high. So, why not try to treat yourself with small portions of the full version once in a while? It won't hurt your weight in the long run.

3) Beer And Alcoholic Beverages: This doesn't need any introduction; you know alcohol lures you into mindless irrepressible indulgence. You know one bottle is not enough, you go for many. This is sad because one bottle of alcohol contains as much as 150 calories.

Beer and alcoholic beverages should be on the list of what not to eat when trying to lose weight, but if you find it difficult to stop, a bottle a week should be enough.

4) Pasta and Bread: White pasta and bread both contains white flour which elevates your blood sugar. You know what elevated blood sugar does to you: it triggers the release of insulin which in turn converts the food into fat.

Instead of white pastas and bread, go for whole-wheat and whole-grain pastas and cereals - they contain high level of fiber which will make you satiated for longer periods of time.

Manu Andrew has been teaching about what to and what not to eat when trying to lose weight for four years. To read more about his works, and to see how they can benefit you, download his FREE Weight Loss Guide at http://www.permanentweightloss101.org
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Manu_Andrew

4 Reasons Why You Might Not Be Reaching Your Weight Loss Goals

The numerous weight loss strategies out there and the professionals who claim to have the solution to getting rid of unwanted weight have surely played their part when it comes to providing information. However, it is still common to find very many people, including children in their early teen years suffering from serious health problems, whose main cause is excess weight.
If you are one of the people in this situation then am sure that you have tried to lose weight through many ways, but the following might be the reason why you are not quite getting to the point that you desire:
  1. Missing out on breakfast

    This might seem like a small thing, since people have busy lives, since their schedules begin several hours before the sunrise, and they get back home when it is dark. The temptation to miss breakfast in order to make it for that early morning meeting is great, but this is a sure way of sinking deeper into health problems, not to mention weight gain. Breakfast has a way of increasing an individual's metabolism and helps people to eat less during the day. These two aspects are very important when trying to lose weight.

  2. Eating takeout

    When people are living on the 'fast lane', it becomes a bit hard for them to get enough time to go to the store and purchase ingredients to cook a meal. Such people settle for eating 'take out', and most of these foods are full of calories, and most of the times they are not balanced. Going for weight loss pills and eating overly processed foods will not help you to lose weight, therefore, take time to cook your own food at home, or have someone do it for you, since in the long run, it will not only help you to lose weight, but you will also save a lot of money.

  3. Not Monitoring your weight loss progress

    When people start following a particular weight loss strategy, they forget to keep tabs on their progress, and they never know when they have stopped losing weight and have started to gain. Do yourself a favour and buy a weighing scale, where you can always measure your progress on a daily basis. You can have it in the kitchen or along the hallway. The figures you register on the scale will guide you to know when to intensify your activities as well as when to relax a bit.

  4. Come up with your own diet

    Someone once claimed that what you feed grows, and what you do not feed dies. Although the saying is mostly suited for morals and addictions, we can also use it literally. You are best advised to approach your personal doctor and have him or her examine you, and tell you what diet will work for you and which one is a waste of time. Doctors know about how different bodies react to the foods that they take, and if you want your weight issues to die, then with the help of the doctor, stop feeding it.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Imma_Sila

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7744689

If You Are Serious About Losing Weight, Get Rid Of The Following Habits

There are people, who claim that they want to lose weight, but their actions are always contrary to their claims. If you are part of this group of people, then it is important for you to change the way that you do things, and embrace healthy eating, exercises and low-calorie intakes. The following are some of the habits that wannabe weight losers engage in, and these habits are usually the reason why such people will hardly ever lose any weight:
  • Thinking they look fine

    Being in denial is one of the worst things that people can get into, especially with regard to weight loss. There are people who suffer from excess weight issues but they fail to recognize that their weight is the problem. Some of the blame can also be placed on the people around them who try to cheer them up, or to save them from low self-esteem, those who tell them that they look healthy and strong. It is important for an individual to get real with him or herself, and face the problem. Thinking that the excess weight is normal will never leave room for any weight loss progress.

  • Going for quick fixes

    Thanks to technology, people have access to weight loss pills as well as weight loss portions and diets, all of which have a vital part to play in an individual's weight loss activities. However, it is important to realize that those solutions work best only when accompanied with physical activities and a healthy balanced diet. Hoping to lose weight without any activity on your part is a bit ambitious, and this is one more habit that keeps people overweight.

  • Excessive alcohol consumption

    Alcohol has many disadvantages, and one more is that it contributes to an individual's weight problems. If you make a point to always buy weight loss pills and at the same time engage in excessive alcohol consumption then you are simply chasing after the wind. Alcohol has many harmful calories, which greatly participate in weight gain and the storage of fat in the body.

  • Not taking advantage of calorie burning activities

    Most people want to relax all weekend watching their favourite programs while their hired help mows the lawn and washes the car. Despite being expensive with time, doing these simple activities contributes towards weight loss, and people with weight issues must take every opportunity to engage in them. You do not need to spend money hiring someone to walk the dog or do shopping for you, do it yourself some times and your weight problems will surely fade with time
We provide the best info about capsiplex reviews and how to buy capsiplex. For further details please visit the provided links.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Imma_Sila

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7744740

Three Steps to Unlimited Motivation

Today I give you the secret combination to unlock once and for all how to get motivated and stay motivated.
What I share with you today will not only help you achieve your health and fitness goals but give you the ultimate power to completely change your entire life!

I realize the word "Secret" is used very loosely today, but after sixteen years of coaching, the line between success and failure always comes back to what I reveal today, regardless of size, shape, age, circumstance, or any other excuse you may have used in the past to justify not getting what you want or living the life you want to live. I believe this truly is the Holy Grail, a real legitimate secret to success. Master this and you'll have the power to achieve anything you desire in life.

The problem is very few people who set a fitness & health goal, or any other goal for that matter, actually follow through and accomplish the goal. In my experience, only about one percent actually follows through and succeeds. Every January, for example, weight loss is the top resolution and millions head back into the gyms to shed the extra trimmings from the holidays. Thirty days later, like clockwork, the majority of those folks have already given up and quit, never to be seen again until maybe next year.
Based on statistics, it's likely that you've started a new fitness or weight loss plan at some point, lost motivation, and ultimately failed to reach your goals.

But why... ? What stops us from following through... ?

The answer starts with a question. I've asked this question to many, and I ask you today. What do you think drives motivation more, pain or pleasure?

Let's reflect for a minute on childhood to find the answer. For many of us, we can relate to these experiences, if not, I'm sure you'll understand.

•Say a bad word... get a soap bar shoved in our mouths.

•Want to drink a beer with dad... dad say's okay, but you can't drink just one, you have to drink this six pack... no problem... two cans later you're vomiting.

•Do something bad... get whipped with the belt or maybe dad's hand.
In all of these situations what is the common thread that most of the time kept us from ever doing it again... ?
The answer is fear. More specifically, the fear of pain.

The secret revealed...

Pain drives human behavior and motivation, and your success in life is based on the pain associations you have linked up in your brain. It's when you learn to use your pain and pleasure associations to your advantage, that you'll unlock your true potential.

Accomplishing a goal requires a linked association with ultimate pleasure, and ultimate pain with NOT accomplishing the goal.

For example, if losing weight is linked in your mind with more pain than pleasure you'll likely never accomplish the weight loss you desire. So if you've tried and failed in the past, the reason is, you have too much pain or negativity associated with getting the job done. Some examples of these negative or painful links would be "don't have time, too busy, don't want to spend the money, don't want to be pushed, don't want to be accountable, don't want to sweat, takes too long, too much work, etc."

Let's look more closely at one of the most common ones. Most people associate losing weight with dieting. The first 3 letters in the word spell "Die", and that's how most people feel, like they'd rather die than diet. With healthy nutrition accounting for ninety percent of weight loss results, you can see how this negative or painful link would prevent you from following through and accomplishing your goals. Yes you want it, but you have too much pain and negativity associated with it to make it a reality.

I don't want to make this confusing for you or get too physiological with you, but again, I truly believe recognizing and changing these links will transform your life. Just think back to those simple childhood experiences. Here's another one...

What's the one thing kids fear about going to the doctors... ? Getting a needle, right? They don't associate going to the doctor with feeling better, they associate it with negativity and pain and will do anything to avoid going to see the doctor. As adults, we do the same exact thing, and that's what is holding us back from living the life we deserve!

Here's an example that resonates with many adults... public speaking.

Most adults link public speaking with ultimate pain and have a true fear of doing it, some fear public speaking more than death. This holds people back from experiencing something that could be very fulfilling. I, on the other hand, link public speaking with ultimate pleasure, which has provided me with many tremendous opportunities in life.

Bottom line is this...

If you want success, you must change what it means to you and link your goals with ultimate pleasure.
Get started today with these three steps...

1. DECIDE- All success begins with a clear concise decision on knowing exactly what you want. Many people set goals that are fuzzy, without being sure what they really want. You must have clarity on exactly what you want to achieve.

2. SURRENDER-You have to open the door for change by surrendering yourself. You've decided to make a change, now you have to be willing to do whatever it takes to get from point A to point B. Unfortunately, many people set themselves up for failure by setting boundaries on accomplishing their goals. "I want to lose weight, but I don't want a nutrition coach." This is a great example of a self sabotaged goal. Fact is, in most cases if you knew how to eat properly you wouldn't be overweight, even if you never exercise. If you want to lose weight, you must invest in a nutrition coach... period.

3. LOOK IN THE MIRROR- You must have the courage to look in the mirror, face the cold hard facts and confront the reality of what it means if you DON'T accomplish this goal. Where will you be physically, emotionally, professionally etc. in 3 to 5 years if you don't accomplish your goals. This is your "Why", your driving force behind motivation. This will be the fuel in the fire keeping you motivated long term.
Again here's the secret...

Link NOT achieving your goals with ULTIMATE PAIN and link successfully achieving your goals with ultimate pleasure and nothing will stand in your way ever again.

Follow the three simple steps above. Decide today what you want, stop making excuses and be willing to do whatever it takes to get it done, and kick fear in the teeth... confronting the ramifications of not taking action now.

Find your "why" and change your life!

About Chris Gray: Chris has been in the fitness industry for a decade now where he has made his mark as one of Delaware's top trainers and club owners facilitating the body transformation of thousands. Chris is a Best Selling Fitness Author with his latest book "3 Steps To Your Best Body In Record Time" hitting #1 in multiple categories on Amazon.com. Chris has also been featured in Men's Health Magazine and many online and local media. His very unique kettlebell training center is literally changing lives using techniques and equipment never before seen by most.If you're ready to begin your fitness and fat loss journey please call 1-302-730-1600 right now to receive a complimentary private fitness and health Consultation (valued at $87).

If you're not yet ready for our free consultation offer, please visit http://www.FreeFitnessDownloads.com to instantly download a free report revealing "The Truth About Fat Loss", plus 4 other bonus reports from Dover's premier fitness expert.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_M_Gray

Tips For Beginning A Healthy Weight Loss Plan

As you consider making changes towards a new, healthier life style, it is of paramount importance to assess your attitude toward change. Losing weight and healthy eating are not easy endeavors. The best results are obtained over time, going step by step. In order to accomplish your ultimate goal, you have to stick to a weight loss/healthy eating program long enough to make a difference.
  • You should be physically, mentally and spiritually ready to begin. When you are ready to record your reasons and pick a start date, you are ready to begin. Once you decide, half of the struggle is over. Commit to your plan.
  • Choose a program that is reputable and one that works. Good programs should have some common features. They usually include a daily food journal with calorie counting. They require 90% of adherence to a strict eating plan and they also require about seven hours a week of exercise such as cardio and strength training.
  • Choose the right plan that suits your individual needs. There are many different paths to successful weight loss. However, there is one best plan for each individual. Find a program you can stick to
    because adherence is the key to success.
  • Know the reasons you are doing the program. Record your reasons and use them as reference in the future. Do it for yourself and maybe for your loved ones. The benefits will be tremendous.
  • Inform your physician and get the okay if you take regular medications or you have a chronic illness. If you are healthy, you can begin a weight loss/healthy eating plan without seeing your doctor. A good program should not put your health at risk.
  • Know the average amount of weight loss that your program will produce. A good weight loss program will produce 10% weight loss in three to four months if you stick to the plan. However, the result could be 5% of weight loss in three to four months with a less focused implementation of the plan. Overall, you should aim for two pounds of weight loss per week.
  • Make sure that you do not have any unaware food allergies.
  • Tell your relatives and friends that you will be starting a weight loss/healthy eating plan. Let them know why you are doing it, so they will be aware of what you are doing.
  • Have all that you need before you begin your program (gym membership, food supplies, suitable clothing and shoes.)
  • Make sure you clean out your pantry and refrigerator. Get rid of junk foods and trigger foods which can initiate unnecessary eating. Restock your pantry and refrigerator with food needed to begin your weight loss/healthy eating plan.
  • Have a support system in place. This system should include health care professionals, personal trainer, your family and your friends. Rely on these people to help you stick to your plan.
  • Begin your program with vigor and enthusiasm. How well people do in the first 2-4 weeks predicts their success up to 5 years. So, make a strong start.
  • Seek out relatives or friends who want to do the program with you. There is strength in numbers. It is a great support to have someone to do the program with you. You will be accountable to each other. It also provides a source of motivation to work with someone you know.
  • Visualize your outcomes. Get images of things you want to wear in the size you hope to become. Put these images where you can see them. Make sure the goals you set are realistic.
  • You should be practical and allocate the time needed to do exercise regimen and food preparation. Once you have a plan in place, follow it. Commit to the rules of the program.
  • Know your metabolism rate. This is important for weight loss. If you have a sluggish metabolism it is very difficult to lose weight. It is a good idea to get your thyroid checked before you begin your program.
  • Know your metabolism type. There are three metabolism types. Type A, Type B and Type C. Each type has it specific characteristics. When you know your type, this helps you to know the right foods to eat as well as the percentage of protein, carbohydrates and fats that should be a part of your eating plan.
  • Know your hunger type. There are three hunger types. They are sensory, emotional and habitual. Know the triggers as well as the solutions for each type. This will help you with your weight loss by controlling your hunger and keeping it in check.
  • Have one big goal and several small goals as well. It is harder and sometimes frustrating to reach one big goal. However, when you accomplish your small goals, it will make your weight loss/healthy eating plan more rewarding.
  • Do not allow your past failed attempts to discourage you. The right path to weight loss success is a very tedious task. Use your pass failures as a learning experience and a pathway to future success.
Nichola D. James,
(Online Marketer)

Online marketer, who markets high quality products that are beneficial and valuable to individuals, and will help them to live their best lives.

For more on Healthy Weight Loss Plan visit: http://www.trueweightlossplan.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nichola_D_James

How to Lose Belly Fat by Manipulating Carbs for Less Fat Storage Spill-Over

Gaining belly fat is a problem for most men as well as for women, especially those over the age of 40. This is partly due to hormonal controls, but fat storage can be prevented and even burned away if you understand how to eat carbohydrates wisely.

Carbohydrates are important nutrients for your body. When you eat them they are broken down into their simplest units and used by every cell in your body for fuel. They are also a vitally important fuel source for your brain. Ever go on a low-carb diet and feel like you are walking around in a "brain fog?"

With this understanding the first thing you want to do is avoid the low carb trendy diets. These diets were in
full force a few decades ago because they did make the scale drop. Of course, part of this could be explained by the fact that each gram of carbohydrate you eat causes your body to hold on to three grams of water. If you stop eating carbohydrates, your body drops this stored water. Quick water weight loss, but not quick fat loss.

By going on a restrictive low carb diet you alter your hormone balance and this can damage your metabolism making it easier for your body to turn the carbs you eat into belly fat.
Carbs need to be eaten, and when you understand how carbs are stored you can manipulate your intake to avoid fat storage.

There are three ways your body handles the carbs you eat.

1. If you need the carbs for energy they are sent directly to your cells for immediate use.
2. If your immediate energy needs are met, then the carbohydrates that you eat get shuttled into your muscles and liver where they are stored as readily available energy.
3. If these two options are filled, then you experience "Spill Over." This means that the energy needs are met and the extra carbohydrates spill over into your fat cells for storage. If you are a man or a woman over 40, then this likely means belly fat storage.

The best way to prevent this fat storage spill over is to manipulate when you eat carbohydrates. One way to do this is to eat a hearty carbohydrate breakfast. The first few hours of the day you experience a natural spike in your metabolism. This makes it easy for your body to use up the carbs you eat for energy, avoiding the fat spill over.

Another option is to eat carbs before or soon after a workout. When you work out you use up the immediate energy and the stored energy in your muscles and liver. Now that these stores are depleted, any carbs you eat around a workout will go back into energy storage, not fat storage.

Understanding how your body uses carbohydrates will give you an edge when it comes to losing belly fat. Of course, the opposite can happen as well if you do not understand how to handle carbohydrate intake.

In fact, your fat burning potential can drop by as much as 50% after one week of dieting the wrong way.
Fortunately there is a drop-dead simple way to get your fat burning hormones working for you. Here are more Powerful Fat-Burning Tricks.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Becky_Gillaspy

Life Is Mental - Think Thin to Live Thin

There is a reason why some guys are able to lose weight fast and effortlessly and others find it to be a very difficult task. The main difference lays in the mindset. Learn to think and behave like a thin man and soon you will become one.

Here are some points I want you to think about...

#1. - You are not condemned by genetics.

Many people blame genetics for their failures. I promise you that this is a mental world and with the right mindset you can overcome anything. Take Terry Fox as an example.

As you may know, Terry was a Canadian athlete that embarked on a cross-Canada run to raise money and awareness for cancer research, after one of his legs was amputated.

I constantly remind myself that if Terry was able to run through Canada, one of the world's biggest countries, without a leg there is no physical precondition that can stop me from achieving my goals.

The only difference between Terry Fox and the people who hardly achieve anything is the mindset. HBO took Terry's case to the screen; I encourage you to watch it to find inspiration.

#2. - Simple and easy works, difficult and complicated fails.

The business of fitness and diet is a multi-billion dollar industry. They profit from over-complicating simple stuff. It's easy to feel overwhelmed with all the information we are constantly been bombarded with. And if that is not enough, everyday new evidence comes and contradicts the previous facts.

Simple things work, and they are able to stand the test of time.

When you are trying to find a method that will help you get in shape remember it has to be an easy to follow system. If you feel overwhelmed and stressed look for a new strategy.

If you keep it simple your mindset will be on the right place and you will see results fast.

#3. - Don't let your environment affect your mindset.

When I told my friends and family I was going to lose weight and improve my shape they laughed. I know they love me, and now that I've lost 20 kg, they are happy for me. But in the beginning they were not very supportive.

Don't tell people you want to improve your health and looks. As a general rule they won't be very reassuring. They'll find out when they witness the new you. Remember, before we see results, first we need to change our mindset and that will be very difficult to achieve if we have a lot of people over our head.

Have you ever seen fitness models on magazines and commercials, and thought to yourself "I want my abs to look like that!" Well, work on your mindset and then find an easy to follow system and I promise you will have the body you want.

I'm a full time professional photographer making a living from this exciting and dynamic profession. From hanging out with hot models everyday I learned their fitness and weight loss secrets. I would highly suggest you go to http://www.alphamaleworld.com to get more tips and info so I could get you started in the right direction.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Luigi_Carucci

Enjoy Carbs Without Storing Them As Fat

Everyone loves carbohydrates, but to the person trying to lose weight they can seem like the enemy. If you have ever gone on a low carb diet, then you know that dropping your carb intake can make the pounds drop off quickly. Yes, low carb diets work, but they can also leave you feeling drained and moody. There is a way to enjoy carbs without storing them as fat and it involves timing and a few small tweaks.

Your body looks at carbohydrates as energy. When you eat a carbohydrate, whether it is a piece of white bread or a hearty bowl of oatmeal, your body will break it down to its smallest units, glucose.

Glucose is found floating around in your bloodstream; you might know it as blood sugar. This sugar is used by all of the trillions of cells in your body for fuel. So you can see that carbohydrates are valuable nutrients as far as your body is concerned.

The problem dieters run into is what I like to refer to as "spill-over." What this means is if you eat too many of the wrong carbs or eat them at the wrong times, your body will be unable to store them as energy. Instead, they will store them as fat.

Here is how your body handles carbohydrates...

You eat a carbohydrate-rich food, then enzymes break the carbs down into glucose which does one of three things:

1. It can be used for immediate energy by traveling from your bloodstream into your cells.
2. It can be stored for future energy needs in your muscles and liver. This is called glycogen.
3. If options 1 and 2 are filled, then the unused carbs become fat.

In other words, if you eat carbs and your body does not immediately need the energy and it has enough already in storage, then that carb, and every one that follows "spills over" into your fat cells.
To enjoy carbohydrates and not store them at fat, you need to make a few tweaks and time your intake of carbs. This way you get to enjoy the satisfying taste of carbohydrates, your body gets the needed energy, and you lose weight.

Here are a few steps to take to avoid storing carbs as fat:

1. Eat carbohydrates early in the day, preferably complex carbs in the morning. By complex carbs I mean foods such as oatmeal, whole wheat/whole grain breads, even starchier vegetables like potatoes or sweet potatoes.

In the morning your body experiences a natural spike in metabolism and your body cells are at their highest sensitivity to insulin. This means that the carbs you eat will be used more efficiently and not land on your belly or hips as fat.

2. Time your carbohydrate intake around exercise. By eating carbohydrates a few hours before a workout you provide readily available energy to your body. By eating carbs right after your workout you replenish future energy stores in your liver and muscles.

3. Most importantly, do not completely avoid carbohydrates. When carbohydrates are withheld from your diet, your body's number one fat-burning hormone, leptin, plummets. In fact, leptin levels can drop up to 50% after the first week on a strict low carb diet.

Leptin is a key hormone to control if you want to lose weight and you need carbs to keep leptin working for you. So do not avoid carbohydrates. You can enjoy them without storing them as fat if you time your intake and use them to keep your leptin levels high.

If you do these things, then you will essentially keep your body in a fat-burning state 24/7. This is because carbs are energy and carbs keep leptin levels high. High leptin levels = high levels of fat burning.

But what if I told you there was an even easier way to enjoy carbs without storing them as fat and at the same time keep leptin levels high?

Fortunately there is a drop-dead simple way to get your fat burning hormones working for you. Click the links for more Powerful Fat-Burning Tricks.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Becky_Gillaspy

How to Beat Weight Gain Over 40

You had a few ups and downs but your weight stayed fairly steady during your 20s and 30s. Then you reached 40 and started to put on weight. You eat healthy food, you get some exercise, it worked before - what's happened? Like most things there are reasons and solutions. Your weight gain is nothing to do with failure on your part and everything to do with how nature works. Like many people you need to know how to lose weight over 40.

As we get older our metabolic rate drops. That means our body needs to burn fewer calories to maintain its weight. If we carry on eating the same and exercising the same as we did when we were young we are going to put on weight. That is why older people have trouble with their weight and why losing it is not easy. Even if you try to keep to a healthy lifestyle it is hard to lose weight over 40. If you are at home looking after your family you can be eating for comfort or out of boredom. Even daytime TV can become addictive and that is as good a way as any to forget your exercise program. If you are working maybe you live on sandwiches or have regular corporate lunches and drive everywhere. The last thing you want, whatever you do, is to exercise each evening - you are too exhausted.

You need to eat 500 calories less than you need each day to lose 1 pound a week. But you may be eating 300 calories a day more than you need already. To eat 800 less a day is a challenge and for some may not be achievable. The best thing to do is trial and error, but it will involve exercise. Try eating 500 calories less.

One way of doing it is to eat smaller portions and that is achieved by using smaller plates. You can also cut out anything obvious like a mid morning latté and croissant, or eating a lot of white bread. Then you really will have to exercise. This helps burn off calories and you will not have to rely just on a reduced diet to lose weight. The easiest exercise is walking or jogging. The reason I suggested trial and error is that you may not be eating 300 calories more than you need. So try half an hour's brisk walking a day, which can be two 15 minute sessions morning and evening if that is more convenient. If you start losing weight that is all you need, if not increase the exercise. You will also benefit by swapping any high calorie foods you may still be eating for more healthy fruit and vegetables.

If you have been weight watching in the past you already know how to lose weight over 40. You just need to carry on, but eat less and exercise more. If you have been eating the wrong food and not getting enough exercise you must change your way of life. Eating healthy food is important and, although not everybody likes it, exercise is essential as we grow older. Not only does it burn calories but it slows the loss of muscle mass which occurs with age. There is no reason why people over 40 should not be as fit and slim as when they were younger, but it is harder work. If you are prepared to deal with this there will be no problem losing weight when you are over 40.

Want to know more?

Peter Stockwell is a writer, walker and author of the Senior Walking Fitness Blog. To read more articles, comments and tips on natural weight loss, diet plans and healthy living.just visit http://www.seniorwalkingfitnessblog.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Stockwell

Five Easy Weight Loss Tricks For Creating a Better Version of You

If you've been spending quite a lot of time on the couch lately and need to lose some weight, it can be quite the task. At first, it may seem almost impossible, especially if you need to trim down more than just a few pounds. It's not all doom and gloom however, as there is immediate help available to aid your weight loss goals. Below, are five tips that will help you shed weight and look great!

Move Constantly

Cutting down doesn't mean that you have to hit the gym every time, although that is one way of doing it. The thought of perspiring in front other people at the gym doesn't sound too appealing to a lot of people.

Fortunately, shedding weight can take place by exercising right at home. Spend money on a jump rope and start skipping in your garage to get your started. You might even want to have a look at investing in an exercise bike and start peddling away the extra pounds while watching your favorite TV program. The important thing is to move, move, and move even more − whether that means moving around your home while chatting on the phone with your best friend, or hopping up and down while you're waiting for your dinner to come out of the oven.

Cut Down on The Portion Sizes

Ultimately, organic weight loss comes down to calories in and calories out. By lessening the number of calories you take in a day, you can reduce the amount of exercise you have to do in order to become a fitter version of yourself. One way to trim down your portion sizes is to use smaller dishes. Research have shown that people who use larger plates when they eat tend to consume more food than someone who has a smaller plate.

Hydrate With Water

Everyone knows that water is a healthy, inexpensive drink with no calories. Unfortunately, not everyone enjoys drinking it. If you can't grasp drinking the eight glasses of water a day that many health professionals recommend, try drinking at least a certain amount of water each day. For instance, instead of ordering a high calorie drink like iced tea while eating out, why not have a glass of ice water instead? The calories you will save by relinquishing drinks loaded with sugar and/or sodium will result in an improved waistline.

Weigh Yourself

People usually shy away from using the scales because they are insecure of finding out how much weight they've put on. However, scales can be a beneficial part of any weight loss routine. By weighing yourself every day and keeping a journal of both your weight and your weight loss program, you will have a tangible way of monitoring your progress and its direction.

Picture Yourself at Your Desired Weight

The road to trimming up can be too much for some people. That's why it's important to stay motivated. One way of doing this is to picture yourself at your preferred weight, whether that number is 10 or 100 pounds away. Go ahead, take that catalog and dream about what outfit you will treat yourself to when you reach your end goal.

Follow these steps for slimming down and it will only be a matter of time until you reach your goals and become a much better version of yourself.

In addition, you can get more helpful information about Home Remedies For Weight Loss by clicking here
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Largado

Best Exercises to Lose Weight at Home

Are you looking for some best exercises to lose weight at home? Then know that you can save money by not going to the gym and still lose weight, when you carefully and seriously devote time to these exercise routines in the comfort of your home. If going to the gym is a herculean task for you, then devoting just 30 minutes a day in your home to do any of these exercises, would result in a very significant change in your body.

These exercises will help your body burn fat just like the person going to the gym and they are:

1. Stair sprinting or stair running

You may not have machines like the treadmill and bike at home, but that doesn't mean weight loss cannot be achieved over there. Just make use of the stairs in your house. The exercise is optimum for burning fat and can just be as effective, if not, even more effective in burning body fat than running, when done the right way.
It is easy, just run up and down the stairs, 3 to 4 times in a row, then rest for about 30 seconds and walk around at a slow pace. You then have to repeat the process.

2. Jumping rope or skipping

This is one of the most intense calorie burners. It is estimated to burn even more calories than a fast run would do. You have to understand that it comes with commitment though, to really continue doing it.
Try to skip none-stop for a minute if possible and rest for a minute. Then start again and do it in an alternating cycle for about 30 minutes or 10 to 15 rounds. If you use this method, trust me, you can really burn fat out of your body.

3. Using a set of adjustable dumbbells

For those of you looking to firm your bodies, this is also a very great exercise method that you can use. It can be used to firm the body in resistance training and can be done to target the entire body through routines like lunges, squats, shoulder presses, chest press, lying on the floor, biceps curls and many others.
In doing it, perform 8 to 12 reps and rest for about 2 minutes. When the circuit has been completed, repeat one more time.

4. Resistance bands

If you do not like the idea of using dumbbells, then another very excellent method is in the use of resistance bands. They are now popular and have the advantage of even keeping then in your wardrobe.
Hold each end of the resistance band in either of your hands and perform many of the same exercise which you could have performed with the dumbbells, like squats, shoulder presses, chest presses etc.

You can use any of these exercises to lose weight at home but to make the exercise not boring, you can try to alternate any two of these exercises in your weight loss exercises and you will see your body burning fat like a fat burning machine.

Want my secret methods to permanent weight loss? Get them all in my FREE E-book The permanent weight loss secrets now! before it's too late or visit my website http://www.smartlyloseweight.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dennis_Sarfo

Quick Weight Loss Is Not Always Safe

Fast weight loss places lots of stress around the entire body system, and although it seems attractive and satisfying on the short term, it can eventually fail you on the long run. Here are a few of the risks of fast weight loss:
-general weakness and exhaustion;
-flu like signs and symptoms due to fast changes in metabolic process and too quick toxin removal;
-hair reduction;
-inability to focus and carry on with daily duties;
-an increased appetite.

Everybody wants to shed the additional lbs over night, and the dietary supplements suppliers and pharmaceutical drug companies inspire this particular trend as it suits their commercial reasons. The higher they advertise, the greater products they sell. However, if they were so efficient, why is the weight problems rate skyrocketing in the United States Of America?

Fast weight loss is superficial weight loss, simply because it doesn't last.

No matter how harsh this may appear, you have to be aware of the long term effect on your health and your physical condition. Even when you ] to lose 10 pounds within a week, how are you currently going to take care of your newly acquired fitness? This is the major problem with fast weight loss. The metabolism reacts to the fat burning stimulation, but for a short period of time only. It learns to adapt and issues are back to exactly where they were before.

In addition, fast weight loss doesn't bring any change in the general eating designs, it doesn't educate you or provide a chance for self improvement. With quick fixes you by no means get to the real trigger of the problem, that remains lurking back someplace within a corner of your psychological life, only to become show itself when the conditions permit it.

Therefore, if you are used to eating whenever you experience negative feelings, when you quit this self-soothing method, you will be in problem because you will not have the device to handle the situation. That is the reason why the wisest approach to weight loss takes longer, however it is a lot more efficient. As part of the complex weight loss plan you'd study how to manage stress and feelings in this kind of a means so that food urges might no longer be considered a trouble.

Fast weight loss is feasible but within realistic boundaries. You need to set achievable goals and also have a plan of action.

In the event you value your existence, you want to really feel better with yourself and develop more positive, you owe it to yourself to shed weight regularly, but wisely. A programmed approach will conserve you from failures and make you feel worthy.

For more information about Protein Only Diets visit the protein only diet site, I am sure you'll love it.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Larry_J_Dunar

Tips To Losing Weight Fast

Each and every lady who thinks she ought to shed some lbs will go through fast weight loss tips in magazines or on Internet web sites. And information resources are abundant nowadays, in fact, they're so plentiful and unclear at times, that individuals feel puzzled about the multitude of options. Additionally, the quick weight loss method leads to so many errors that results are rarely the desired ones.

Here are some sensible weight loss tips that you could try out these days.

No more overlooked breakfast! Take five or 6 meals per day, with lots of fresh fruits, veggies and wholegrain cereals.

Eat lean meat only like chicken or turkey breast and seafood.

Download a few easy-to-cook recipes and weight loss food plans for a week. The web has a lot to provide that you can actually adhere to your meals preferences and lose weight.

Do away with white bread, white pastas and processed sugar from your diet. Rather than a candy bar, you can have a carrot, a slice of watermelon or a wholegrain cracker.

Drink plenty of water (a lot more than two liters each day) to eliminate away the harmful toxins. Two glasses of green tea per day also accelerate the metabolism. Stop sweet beverages and have only one glass of coffee in the morning hours.

Exercise on a regular basis, a minimum of 3 times per day and engage in outdoor actions as much as you can.

Sleep at least eight hrs per night. Make an effort to go to bed at the same hour every night.
Cultivate constructive thinking! Put an end to self-criticism and seek help to create a better self-image. In case you are afflicted by emotional consuming and encounter food cravings when you've unfavorable feelings, you should critically cognitive behavioral therapy.

Don't follow fast weight loss tips that advise highly restrictive diet programs simply because this kind of an method is doomed from the start. You will find serious repercussions for self-starvation, each physical and psychological.

Experts recommend that the most effective approach to weight loss would be to transform the process into a positive experience. This means that you have to concentrate on the stuff you like, including meals and bodily activity. If you detest cardio, why torture yourself with aerobic exercises three times per week, when you can go bicycling or jogging instead? Follow your natural inclination, and you'll manage to get fit!

A restrictive diet plan causes a negative mindset that's counterproductive. You are feeling starving and anxious, and you constantly experience a sense of guilt for what you are. In order to really enjoy the body and real fitness, this kind of pondering patterns have to go. Treatment helps, but some people have managed to put up with it on their own. It depends from case to case.

Good luck!
For more information about Protein Only Diets visit the protein only diet site, I am sure you'll love it.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Larry_J_Dunar

Got Belly Fat? Lack of Sleep May Be Sabotaging Your Weight Loss

Belly fat, and gaining weight is a sign that something isn't working properly in your body. It's so unfortunate that overweight people are blamed for gaining weight by people say it's the result of them overeating and under-exercising.

The thing in common people suffer when they have gained weight is STRESS. It is stress that causes emotional eating. Stress also depressed the metabolism in a normal body, and can make you gain weight while still eating your "normal diet". And stress can also prevent restorative sleep, which in turn, slows down the metabolism.

Sleep and Stress

People under stress are oftentimes sleep deprived. Think about how stress affects your sleep. Even if you are exhausted, oftentimes your sleep is disturbed with thoughts about the issue that is stressing you. This can result in disruption of your normal sleep patterns and keep you from getting restful restorative sleep.
Sleep Deprivation & Weight Gain

Recent findings are showing the relationship between lack of sleep, and weight gain. Research from the American Heart Association showed that even 1 hour and 20 minute difference between two groups of subjects was enough to make the sleep deprived group eat an average of 549 additional calories each day! In another study, it was found that subjects had a correlation of body fat with their sleep patterns. Those who slept the fewest hours per night weighed the most.

Lack of sleep is associated with the hormones that control your hunger and satiation cues. Not enough sleep will turn down your Leptin levels and cause Ghrelin to rise. Increased Ghrelin, stimulates appetite and makes you feel unsatisfied with the amount of food that you eat. Leptin, which is produced in your gastrointestinal track turns off the hunger by sending signals to your brain that you've had enough.

This is a perfect combination to make you over-eat, adding additional calories that you don't need!
Lack of sleep can become part of a vicious cycle. If you are sleep deprived, and have started putting on weight a frequent problem is Sleep Apnea. That's a condition where abnormalities, thought to be caused by overweight cause the soft tissue in the rear of your throat to collapse, closing off air passages many times during the night. It stops you from breathing and causes a tendency to snore. The end result is disruption in your sleep. Even when you've given yourself what would seem adequate time to sleep, you only get half as much actual deep sleep. You not only feel tired all day, but it affects your Ghrelin and Leptin levels, adding weight, and contributing to the sleep apnea!

Cutting back from the standard eight down to four hours of sleep each night also was shown to
produce striking changes in glucose tolerance and endocrine function. These changes resembled the effects of advanced age or the early stages of diabetes: after less than one week!

Similar to the problems with Insulin resistance (Metabolic Syndrome, or Syndrome X) some people have been shown to be Leptin Resistant. It's like when your body is telling you stop, but you brain doesn't pay attention. And this is NOT under your control.

Rather than telling yourself that "pushing it" to stay awake longer and work by filling yourself with caffeine; you are sabotaging your efforts at weight loss, AND aging your body and brain!

If you don't get enough sleep because you are working too hard, or playing to hard, your efforts may be "waisted" into belly fat (pun intended).

Best selling author and Coach-sultant, Lianda Ludwig, M.S. works with overwhelmed, frustrated dieters who have been burned out by repeatedly losing weight only to gain it back time after time. For most dieters, she reports, stress has precipitated weight gain and must be addressed before permanent weight loss it possible. Losing weight is not just about what you eat; it's about what's eating you.

Learn about the Mentabolism Mindset Transformation Program < http://www.MentabolismMakeover.com > that creates a successful mindset to eliminate cravings, binging, starving yourself and vanquish the stress, so you can lose weight, and keep it off without naturally, without ever dieting again.

Get her free report: 5 Dirty Secrets the Diet Industry Doesn't Want You To Know at http://www.MakeItSoMindset.com/report
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lianda_Ludwig

Weight Loss And Fat Loss - What's the Difference?

What many people looking to lose weight fail to realise is that in order to be healthy, we don't need to lose weight; we need to lose fat. Weight management is about losing fat, while maintaining healthy muscles, not having them wither away.

Weight Loss

Many people falsely assume that losing weight is the answer to their problems. A healthy body is made up of a composition of water, fat, bone and muscle mass. What can happen on crash diets and ill-informed weight loss programs is that people unknowingly "starve" their muscles of vital nutrition, causing them to wither, and because muscle weighs more than fat, people get on the scale and think they are getting great results.
Not only are these results false, they are unhealthy and energy levels, mood and general wellness can suffer as a result.

Fat Loss

Having a healthy weight is about looking your best and feeling your best. That's why maintaining a healthy body composition is so important. The way to do this is by targeting fat loss and not merely weight loss, as is so often promoted in many wonder diets, courses and products.

When looking for a weight loss diet, product or program, make sure they offer a way to lose more fat without losing muscle. Muscle is not only important for looking toned and trim, it is vital for a healthy functioning body.

How do you measure Fat Loss?

Fat loss is measured in inches or centimetres and not in pounds or kilograms. A good old fashioned tape measure around the area where you would like to go after provides a great indication of your progress.
Some popular target areas include:

Target Measurement Areas

Another simple indicator of your progress is a drop in your clothing size. Have fun as you slim and tone by taking photographs as you are dropping in your clothing size until you reach your goal.

Healthy Weight Management Goals

When making your weight management goals, aim for the amount of inches or centimetres you want to lose in your target areas and toss that scale in the garbage.
That way, not only will you be looking great, you will feel like a million bucks too.

Watch out for Quick-Fix Cures

Lastly, no matter how wonderful the product, if they don't recommend using it with with a reduced-calorie diet and proper exercise program, something may be suspect.

Walking the path to your desired healthy body is part of what makes it so worthwhile when you get there and have you ever accomplished anything worthwhile that's been quick and easy?

Christopher Drummond is a freelance writer at Real Wellness.net and lives in Cape Town, South Africa. Helping people find ways to be naturally healthy and enjoy a better quality of life is his passion. For simple ways to a better quality of life, visit: http://www.real-wellness.net.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Christopher_A_Drummond
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